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Tools for Sculpturing





  • 寫字體: 這步驟要先把印章表面處理好,在依字數將表面畫成格子對齊,進行書寫。寫字體厲害在於書寫的字體與實際是顛倒的。



  • 手刻板型: 再透過手動的操作儀器進行簡單地刻版,也就是印章的雛形。


  • 手刻修飾: 最後一個步驟最辛苦,開始雕琢與潤飾,透過複印再雕琢,來回約三次,一顆印章才算大功告成。

Tools for sculpturing is something truly precious to Sculptor Chen. Every time when I come close to his stuff, he will blurt out "Don't touch my stuff on my working table." It always strikes me and reminds me that they are, after all, with him over 40 years and they must earn an irreplaceable place in his heart.


Speaking of the process of hand-making a stamp, it can generally be divided into three steps:


  • sketching words: The surface of a stamp should be neatly and evenly rubbed, and then align the written words in the sketched grids. What is worth mentioning is that the written words in the stamp is the opposite of the actual work.



  • Engraving words: An embryonic form on a stamp is made with manually operated device.


  • Polishing words: As for the last step, a stamp should be intricately carved and polished over and over again. In general, it takes Sculptor Chen at least times back and forth through duplicating to complete a stamp.  

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